Hey ppl,
8/8/8, the one day where the calendar fools itself. I love writing dates like these (duh.... who doesn't?). And so, today I've been writing the date all day long........ and more so like 8/8/8 instead of the regular 8/8/08.........lol.......
Beijing Olympics kicked off today in style and guess what....... the chinese are bigger frwaks than me when it comes to the whole repetitive-number-date thing. They kicked off the olympics exactly on 8/8/8, 08:08:08....... funny how the time system is constricted to 12....... otherwise the time could've been like 88:88:88....... you may be thinking that I've totally lost my mind on this....... ya a bit of...... but this has been happening since 1/1/1 and shall go on till 9/9/9...........
Ok, before I get slapped with court summons for boring you to death, let's get to the news from the MBA world. As should be expected, a lot has happened since I last posted. Should be the case, since I am darn lazy to post and post only once in a blue moon........
1) Firstly, I'd like to thank all the ppl who supported me on the TOEFL......... I finally blasted the required 109 for meeting HBS's eligibility criterion and that too by a big margin...... The test sure was easy as hell and the scoring, easier.
2) I've been debating lately about applying to Oxford. After seriously pondering over the pros and cons of Saiid, I've decided to apply. Granted, the age may be a factor to consider (since the avg. age is like 29, much-much older than me), but the benefits are many. One yr. program, London, Oxford Brand, Entrepreurship focus, lesser cost and a relatively newer, fresher program to name a few.
3) Due to above, the list is now truly set in stone. I've pledged now not to look at programs other than these since they can waver my focus. I've done enough resaerch to know that if not checked, this habit of MBA related website surfing is addictive and a time-cancer. To help me focus, I've included my list on the right side of this page.
4) And oh, by the way, all of my deadlines are out in the open. I'm glad that the deadlines are spread out all over the month of Oct. This would give me a fair amount of time for applying properly. And yes, I am attempting the Herculean task of finishing all the six schools in R1 !!!
No, I'm not crazy..... yes you are...... no I'm not....... yes you are......... no I'm not...... Ok go **** yourself......... :)
5) I've nearly finished working on the first drafts of the HBS essays....... the first drafts look like cat-poop but I'm sure they will improve with time........ Hope to finish them by the weekend.....
6) I've chosen and approached my recommenders........ given them the deadlines and warned them (on gunpoint) not to fool around the deadlines but instead submit much earlier......
7) I just love the new HBS website...... (hope you like it too)....... But whats more, I am shocked by their numbers...... GMAT range: 550-800....... wtf, a 550??? Should've been like God in other application parts ............... Avg. GPA : 3.67...... wtf again.......... AVG IS 3.67........ I am doomed......... But wait wait......... Number of students with less than 3 yeras of wrk ex......... 41%.......... WTF again.......but it is gr8........ WOOOWWWW....... I'm IN........ with a Scholarship......... alarm rings........ and back to reality..........
The above now happens almost daily....... :P
8) This long post is another attempt to run away from working on my drafts........ And yet again, I've succeeded in procrastinating and killing time......... Cheers to my genius........
Friday, August 8, 2008
The 8/8/8 post......
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